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GCL 2015

Andrés Aramayo Bejarano

GCL 2015

CEO at subo°

Nicolás Campo

GCL 2015

IR - History - Latin American Affairs

Orly Goldsmith Oppenheim

GCL 2015

Sloan Fellows MBA Candidate / Organizational Development and CSR Manager at Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Dev.f (devf.la)

Alejandro Jhossimar Gonzalez Huerta

GCL 2015

Head of Volunteer "IMSS" and Social Development Programs at Mexican Social Security Institute (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social “IMSS”)

Geanluca Lorenzon

GCL 2015

C.O.O. (Chief Operating Officer) at Instituto Mises Brasil

Matilde Lozada Deglane

GCL 2015

Assistant Profesor at Universidad Católica San Pablo

Esmirna Mosquera Uribe

GCL 2015

Contractor at NATIONAL AGENCY OF LAND (Agencia Nacional de Tierras)

Gustavo A. Román

GCL 2015

General Coordinator at Fundación Tropicalia at Cisneros Group of Companies

Inés Royo Oyaga

GCL 2015

Consultant at MAS Consulting Group

Camilo Andrés Santa Peña

GCL 2015

National Advisor for Sustainable Development in the Post Conflict Scenario at United Nations Development Program

Alberto de Belaunde

GCL 2015

Program advisor - Global advocacy at Outright international

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