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Project replicability in Bolivia (View more)

Alumnis from Bolivia (View more)

Andrés Aramayo Bejarano

GCL 2015

CEO at subo°

Manuel Laredo

GCL 2016

CEO at Pisos Amortiguantes Mamut

Allison Silva

GCL 2009

Executive Director at Fundación Emprender Futuro

Projects/Initiatives implemented in Bolivia (View more)

Alumnis living in Bolivia (View more)

Ivanna Moreira

GCL 2020

Ceo at Casa Amandita del Adulto Mayor

Samuel Israel Goyzueta Rivera

GCL 2019

Director del Departamento Académico de Ciencias Empresariales at Universidad Privada del Valle

Edgar Luis Cayujra Barreto

ILG 2014

Expert in International Conventions at Ministry of Transparecency and Anti-Corruption, Bolivia

Institutions from Bolivia (View more)

State of Cochabamba

Gobernacion de Tarija

Gobierno departamental


EL PAcCTO (Europe Latin America Programme of Assistance against Transnational Organised Crime) is an international cooperation programme funded by the European Union that seeks to contribute to security and justice in Latin America by supporting the fight against transnational organised crime.

Ministry of Transparecny and Anti-Corruption, Bolivia

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