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Impacta: Jóvenes por la Gestión Pública

Contact Information

info@impacta.pe / +51989784840

Website https://www.impacta.pe/

Social Media

Project Leaders

Margareth Velazco Loza

Social Policy Consultant


1. To form a network of talented young people, oriented to generate a positive and structural change in Peru through its work in the public sector. 2. A State closer to citizens, where everyone has the opportunity to access to quality public services.


Young people are major agents of change; they feel deeply about societal, environmental, and cultural issues. Impacta has identified how to channel this drive into action.

1. Attract young talent to public institutions: We inspire and connect young people by developing informative events, webinars, and discussions forums.

2. Contribute to the professional development of young people working in the public sector: We design and implement training programs so that young people working in the public sector can strengthen their competencies and skills.

3. Influence public policies:  We promote research and advocacy regarding the construction of a merit-based public service system.

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