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Non Profit


Political Movement focused on Transparency, rule of law and citizenry participation

Centro Eugenio Garza Sada

WWF Colombia

Corporación de Amigos de Panguipulli

Outright International

Fundação Lemann / Lemann Foundation

The Halo Trust


Miranda Center for Democracy

Acces Employment

Politólogos Ecuador

Alianza Educativa

Alianza Educativa


Agencia de Recaudación Fueguina (AREF)

La AREF es el organismo recaudador de la provincia de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur.

International Medical Corps

"International Medical Corps is a global, nonprofit, humanitarian aid organization that provides emergency medical services, healthcare training and capacity building to those affected by disaster, disease or conflict. It seeks to strengthen medical services and infrastructure in the aftermath of crises."

Girls Code

Our organization is more than just a program, it's a movement to inspire young girls to be the trailblazers of tomorrow. Our team is dedicated to empowering girls and young women to become the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs, and change makers. We understand the importance of catching them early, as this is the critical age range when girls often lose interest in science and technology. Through our program, we offer girls the tools, knowledge, and support they need to become leaders in their field.

Programando Paraguay

Programando Paraguay is an initiative that aims to promote the learning and development of programming and technology skills in Paraguay. It offers various programs and activities to engage and educate individuals interested in coding and technology. While I cannot provide detailed information about specific activities in Itapúa, the website should contain information about the organization's programs, events, and initiatives in the region. You can visit the website and explore the different sections to learn more about their activities, projects, and how they contribute to the local community.

European Democrat Students

European Democrat Students (EDS) is a pan-European centre-right student and youth political association, and the official student organisation of the European People's Party. Founded in Vienna by Scandinavian, German and Austrian students in 1961, it represents over 1,600,000 students and young people in 40 member organisations from 35 countries in Europe, and is the largest youth organisation in Europe.

Greater Colón’s Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture & Industries

Organization that promotes the comercial, industrial, agricultural and and touristic development within the province and country.

Corporation for the Development of Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation

We seek to create better companies, entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders in Latin America, to develop and transform the region sustainably, through productivity and global responsibility.​

Girls Code

Girls Code is a non-profit association with limited capacity, it works as a non-profit dedicated to furthering a particular social cause related to education and technology for girls and women. The organization was born among a group of Female Programmers and Computer Scientists who believe that this generation of girls deserves to have the opportunity of being introduced to the world of CS, in order to generate great value and skill into their lives and into their communities. By awakening their interest, developing scientific and technological skills, thinking pragmatically and logically, they can surely develop useful skills in the competitive working field. Since 2016, Girls Code has provided more than 900 girls and young women from Paraguay, a space to develop their technical skills through computer workshops, accompanying their progress and their learning enthusiasm.

AFIDA - Asociación Internacional de Ferias de América

Non-profit organization with more than 50 years of experience and presence in more than 18 countries, which is equivalent to more than 1,600 fairs and/or events worldwide. AFIDA promotes the role of fairs and exhibitions as one of the most efficient business marketing strategies, positioning itself as a knowledge transmission tool and facilitating interaction among its Associates through work networks.

The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center

The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center is an international institute for agricultural development and biological conservation in Central America and the Caribbean, combining science, education and innovation.

Cámara Panameña de Desarrollo Social (CAPADESO)

Movimiento Tacurú

Federación Ecuatoriana de Exportadores FEDEXPOR

FEDEXPOR is the only Ecuadorian exporters association. Founded in 1976, with headquarter in Quito and branches in Guayaquil, Cuenca and Manta, FEDEXPOR represents more than 80% of the non-petroleum products exports, having the most renown companies and other trade associations.

Fundación M&M Formando Líderes

Fundacion Waayuda

Fundacion NAPP

TETO Brasil

Endeavor Colombia

Alimenta la Solidaridad

Plan Pais

Bloomsbury Policy Group

City of Knowledge Foundation


Teach For All

Agora Partnerships

Misión Ecuador

Fundacion Datalat

Data and technology for positive social impact

Tierra Grata

Fundación Comparlante

Fundación Entrepreneur

MISIÓN Implementamos nuevas formas de enseñanza participativa que se adapten y respondan adecuadamente a la realidad social, tecnológica y global. VISIÓN Tendremos una sociedad donde la meritocracia será un valor esencial y quienes se elijan se diferenciarán positivamente, sin distinción de su lugar de proveniencia. Fundación Entrepreneur es una organización sin fines de lucro que se creó en 2012 a partir de tres interrogantes: ¿Qué ocurriría si todas las personas aprendieran a emprender? ¿Qué pasaría si todos estuviéramos alfabetizados financieramente? ¿Y si aplicáramos ciencia y tecnología para resolver problemas sociales? Nos enamoramos de estas problemáticas porque creemos son los motores movilizadores de la libertad individual y necesaria para crear, financiar e implementar sueños, proyectos y desafíos.

Instituto Cidadania Digital

Movimiento Independiente por Panamá

Bloomberg Philanthropies - Vital Strategies

Fundación Entropika



Es una organización sin fines de lucro y no partidista dedicada a promover la colaboración entre organizaciones en la República Dominicana con el fin de realizar investigaciones, realzar el debate público, diseñar políticas públicas, proponer estrategias y ofrecer capacitación para facilitar el cambio en aéreas cruciales para el desarrollo social, económico y democrático de la República Dominicana, el Caribe y América Latina.

Juventud Que Se Mueve


Amicus DH

Circula Vida

Chicas en Tecnología

Centro Latam Digital

Centro Latam Digital es un centro de investigación o "think tank" que genera conocimiento, fortalece las capacidades técnicas y promueve el diálogo sobre el uso y aprovechamiento de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) para el desarrollo económico, político y social en América Latina.

Fundación Teletón Uruguay

DESEM Jóvenes Emprendedores (Junior Achievement Uruguay)

World Wild Life Fund - Peru

Fundación Sangre Panamá

Education on healthcare prevention and blood donation through partnerships with schools, universities and companies.

Fundación Juligón

Fundación Entrepreneur

Realizamos iniciativas de impacto social, por medio de la metodología Aprender Jugando.

América Solidaria - Perú

Fundacion Ecuador Libre

Encuentros - Servicio Jesuita de la Solidaridad


The Mountain Institute ONG

Centro de Politicas Públicas UC

Enseña Chile

Memeber of the Teach for All Network

United Nations Development Programme

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung


Instituto Mises Brasil

Cisneros Group of Companies

Defiende Venezuela

Cámara de Comercio de Pereira

Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Protection Intern


CLP-Centro de Liderança Pública

Harvard University

PlaNet Finance Argentina

Lumni Colombia y Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo

Hospital Ortopédico infantil

Inter-American Development Bank

Sonidos de la Tierra

Juntos por la Educación

Empresarios por la Educacion


Techo | Paraguay

Inter-American Development Bank

Instituto Tellus

Fabretto Childrens Foundation

National Democratic Institute (NDI)

European Association for Viewers' Interests

Fundación Unir Bolivia

Enseña Perú

Fundación Boliviana de Liderazgo Para la Competitividad Global - FUNBOLIDER


Instituto Millenium

Juntos por la educación

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