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Institutions in Volunteerism

Juventud Que Se Mueve

Universidad Central de Venezuela

Mexican Social Security Institute (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social “IMSS”)

IMSS is the biggest social security institution in Latin America and provides health care to 82 million of Mexicans.

Positiv Network

Supporting human consciousness development thru positive connections.

Centros Tecnológicos Comunitarios

Los Centros Tecnológicos Comunitarios es una iniciativa del Gabinete de Políticas Sociales (GPS), que contribuye con el cierre de la brecha digital y el desarrollo de habilidades tecnológicas en las comunidades más vulnerables del país. Buscamos fomentar la apropiación social de las TIC. Proporcionar espacios donde las personas conecten con otras personas para buscar soluciones y oportunidades de desarrollo.

Programando Paraguay

Programando Paraguay is an initiative that aims to promote the learning and development of programming and technology skills in Paraguay. It offers various programs and activities to engage and educate individuals interested in coding and technology. While I cannot provide detailed information about specific activities in Itapúa, the website should contain information about the organization's programs, events, and initiatives in the region. You can visit the website and explore the different sections to learn more about their activities, projects, and how they contribute to the local community.

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