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Institutions in Fundraising


Apoyamos a científicos y emprendedores que estén dispuestos a enfrentar los mayores desafíos actuales que enfrenta la humanidad, basados ​​en el poder de la ciencia y la energía del emprendimiento.

Corporation for the Development of Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation

We seek to create better companies, entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders in Latin America, to develop and transform the region sustainably, through productivity and global responsibility.​


Cisneros Group of Companies


Vente Venezuela

Universidad Central de Venezuela

Amicus DH

Amicus is a civil society organization based in León, Guanajuato, that has been working every day since 2015 to defend and promote the rights of LGBTIQ+ Mexican people. Our mission is to contribute to the construction of an inclusive and discrimination-free Guanajuato and Mexico through the use of human rights as a tool to achieve social change.

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