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Institutions in Business

Eressea Solutions

Independent Consultant


WillDom's dream was born from the idea of connecting opportunities by helping US tech companies work with developers from all the world. This way, we provide a great opportunity for companies in search of great talent, while bringing the most challenging and cutting-edge projects to talented teams. Through our web-based platform, we centralize the collaboration and communications so each team member can see the value they are contributing and the way it is channeled and enhanced by the rest of the team. In many respects, technology can be a great equalizer. It’s our goal to become an indispensable global hub that connects companies and talent in a quick, efficient manner.

ValueNet Latam

We are commercial representatives of global brands that require a presence in Latin American countries and also representatives of local emerging companies with potential scalability and desire for expansion in Latam.

Bernal & Franco

Law Firm based in Bolivia, focused on corporate advice for foreign investment, tech-based entrepreneurship, venture capital deals and digital platforms.


Consulting hub on legal, stretegy, public & corporate affairs, projects, investments, public policy, management 360º.

Endesa Peru


Cámara de Comercio de Pereira

Quimicos Asociados SRL


Inter-American Development Bank

Federación Ecuatoriana de Exportadores FEDEXPOR

FEDEXPOR is the only Ecuadorian exporters association. Founded in 1976, with headquarter in Quito and branches in Guayaquil, Cuenca and Manta, FEDEXPOR represents more than 80% of the non-petroleum products exports, having the most renown companies and other trade associations.


Tyco International

Caisa Agencia de Bolsa - Grupo Fortaleza


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Centro de Politicas Públicas UC

Elektra de Guatemala

Universidad del Pacífico

La universidad del pacífico es la primera universidad del país en negocios y su escuela de gestión pública es una de las más reconocidas en américa latina.


Aims to articulate and support small farmers from Venezuela with sustainable local solutions in order to sell their products in a competitive market.

University of Strathclyde

Higher education

Open Box Consulting

Facilitamos los cambios transformacionales que darán propósito y competitividad a tus colaboradores y organización.


Global firm

Dos Ortiz

Novalact Life Sciences

Music Muv

Startup Mexico


Centro de Medicina Preventiva y Corporativa de Panamá

Somos el Centro de Medicina Preventiva y Corporativa. Nuestro objetivo es ayudarle a mantener su salud y bienestar óptimos, para que usted, su familia y su equipo de trabajo puedan vivir una vida plena y satisfactoria.

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